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Pavel Ondračka requested to merge ondracka/mesa:r300_legacy_math into main

We are already doing the 0*anything = 0 by default and we are also using the DX versions of math ops like RCP. It looks like R300 and R400 can't do IEEE math anyway (but its hard to tell without docs). For R500 we can do IEEE math, but testing showed that some apps are dependent on the DX behavior, so considering we only advertise GLSL 1.20 where this is left ot the driver, just keep the curent status and expose PIPE_CAP_LEGACY_MATH_RULES so that nine can stop emiting math workarounds.

Also fixes two Xnine tests.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Ondračka Reviewed-by: Filip Gawin

This was part of !16657 (merged) so is already reviewed from there. I did not push it together with the other patches to not interfere with the pipe cap remaining, now that !16176 (merged) is in we can enable this.

Merge request reports