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glsl: switch to using a NIR version of lower_const_arrays_to_uniforms()

Timothy Arceri requested to merge tarceri/mesa:nir_lower_const_array_v3 into main

This series of patches was extracted from !13288 (merged) and improved upon. Some of the patches have been previously reviewed.

Closes: #6540 (closed)

Shader-db results IRIS (BDW):

total instructions in shared programs: 17523543 -> 17513909 (-0.05%)
instructions in affected programs: 218091 -> 208457 (-4.42%)
helped: 69
HURT: 327
helped stats (abs) min: 2 max: 2919 x̄: 160.84 x̃: 12
helped stats (rel) min: 0.21% max: 96.88% x̄: 14.87% x̃: 6.40%
HURT stats (abs)   min: 1 max: 47 x̄: 4.48 x̃: 1
HURT stats (rel)   min: 0.10% max: 22.02% x̄: 3.33% x̃: 0.18%
95% mean confidence interval for instructions value: -45.02 -3.63
95% mean confidence interval for instructions %-change: -1.16% 1.47%
Inconclusive result (%-change mean confidence interval includes 0).

total loops in shared programs: 4875 -> 4868 (-0.14%)
loops in affected programs: 7 -> 0
helped: 7
helped stats (abs) min: 1 max: 1 x̄: 1.00 x̃: 1
helped stats (rel) min: 100.00% max: 100.00% x̄: 100.00% x̃: 100.00%
95% mean confidence interval for loops value: -1.00 -1.00
95% mean confidence interval for loops %-change: -100.00% -100.00%
Loops are helped.

total cycles in shared programs: 858032406 -> 857984712 (<.01%)
cycles in affected programs: 22940290 -> 22892596 (-0.21%)
helped: 155
HURT: 312
helped stats (abs) min: 1 max: 49696 x̄: 1697.70 x̃: 62
helped stats (rel) min: <.01% max: 70.84% x̄: 5.60% x̃: 0.82%
HURT stats (abs)   min: 1 max: 19640 x̄: 690.54 x̃: 100
HURT stats (rel)   min: <.01% max: 217.23% x̄: 33.57% x̃: 0.92%
95% mean confidence interval for cycles value: -436.09 231.84
95% mean confidence interval for cycles %-change: 15.39% 25.75%
Inconclusive result (value mean confidence interval includes 0).

total spills in shared programs: 16289 -> 15205 (-6.65%)
spills in affected programs: 2753 -> 1669 (-39.38%)
helped: 9

total fills in shared programs: 20347 -> 20324 (-0.11%)
fills in affected programs: 1642 -> 1619 (-1.40%)
helped: 9

total sends in shared programs: 972151 -> 971960 (-0.02%)
sends in affected programs: 1910 -> 1719 (-10.00%)
helped: 25
HURT: 20
helped stats (abs) min: 1 max: 50 x̄: 9.00 x̃: 2
helped stats (rel) min: 0.87% max: 53.76% x̄: 13.89% x̃: 6.25%
HURT stats (abs)   min: 1 max: 8 x̄: 1.70 x̃: 1
HURT stats (rel)   min: 8.33% max: 200.00% x̄: 52.36% x̃: 33.33%
95% mean confidence interval for sends value: -8.19 -0.29
95% mean confidence interval for sends %-change: -1.07% 32.18%
Inconclusive result (%-change mean confidence interval includes 0).

LOST:   3
Edited by Timothy Arceri

Merge request reports