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v3dv: implement VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block

Iago Toral requested to merge itoral/mesa:v3dv_ext_inline_uniform_block into main

Inline uniform blocks store their contents in pool memory rather than a separate buffer, and are intended to provide a way in which some platforms may provide more efficient access to the uniform data, similar to push constants but with more flexible size constraints.

We implement these in a simular way as push constants: for constant access we copy the data in the uniform stream (using the new QUNIFORM_UNIFORM_UBO_*) enums to identify the inline buffer from which we need to copy and for indirect access we fallback to regular UBO access.

Because at NIR level there is no distinction between inline and regular UBOs and the compiler isn't aware of Vulkan descriptor sets, we use the UBO index on UBO load intrinsics to identify inline UBOs, just like we do for push constants. Particularly, we reserve indices 1..MAX_INLINE_UNIFORM_BUFFERS for this, however, unlike push constants, inline buffers are accessed through descriptor sets, and therefore we need to make sure they are located in the first slots of the UBO descriptor map. This mean that we store tem in the first MAX_INLINE_UNIFOR_BUFFERS slots of the map, with regular UBOs always coming after these slots.

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