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mesa,dri: Fix incorrect interpretation of fwd-compat bit and compat context

Implеmentation says:

"Forward-looking contexts are supported by silently converting the requested API to API_OPENGL_CORE."

but GLX_ARB_create_context spec forbids this:

"If version 3.2 or greater is requested, the context returned may implement any of the following versions:

  • The requested profile of the requested version.
  • The requested profile of any later version, so long as no features have been removed from that later version and profile."

also glspec30 (3.9.5 Depth Component Textures) says:

"Depth textures and the depth components of depth/stencil textures can be treated as RED , LUMINANCE , INTENSITY or ALPHA textures during texture filtering and application (see section 3.9.14). The initial state for depth and depth/stencil tex- tures treats them as LUMINANCE textures except in a forward-compatible context, where the initial state instead treats them as RED textures."

Attrib.DepthMode must be set with GL_RED in fwd-compat contexts too

Signed-off-by: Illia Abernikhin Closes: #6134 (closed)

Edited by Illia Abernikhin

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