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turnip: Set drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures

From Vulkan spec for VkDrmFormatModifierProperties2EXT:

drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures is a bitmask of VkFormatFeatureFlagBits that are supported by any image created with format and drmFormatModifier.

The returned drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures must contain at least one bit.

Therefore, if the returned drmFormatModifier is DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR, then drmFormatModifierPlaneCount must equal the format planecount, and drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures must be identical to the VkFormatProperties2::linearTilingFeatures returned in the same pNext chain.

Relevant tests: dEQP-VK.drm_format_modifiers.*

The changes from "turnip: Add a refcount mechanism to BOs" are necessary for dEQP-VK.drm_format_modifiers.export_import.* tests not to fail.

Found when investigated why gamescope doesn't launch, see !14971 (comment 1257154)

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