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CI/windows: Move YML and fail lists out of .gitlab-ci, and add d3d12 quick_shader pass

Jesse Natalie requested to merge jenatali/mesa:windows-ci-shaders into main

I'd like to start working on new features and burning down the fail list, and having to run all drivers CI when I'm just modifying the D3D12 pass/skip/fail list is going to get old, so follow the pattern used for all the Linux drivers and move the job definitions + result files into more specific CI subdirectories. Same for the SPIR-V-to-DXIL job/list (/cc @egalli)

The last patch renames the existing D3D12 test job from "test-d3d12-windows" to "test-d3d12-quick_gl" and adds a "test-d3d12-quick_shader" job.

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