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venus: raise the ring size

Chia-I Wu requested to merge olv/mesa:venus-large-ring into main


The first 5 commits moved vn_instance_init_experimental_features to be before vn_instance_init_ring. This will allow us to configure the ring depending on large ring support.

The next 2 commits reworked vn_instance_submission to get rid of local_cs_data. This will allow us to change vn_instance_submission_can_direct freely.

The last 3 commits made the ring size configurable, and used a 64KB ring when there is large ring support. The threshold for indirection submits was raised to 4KB.



This MR raises the ring size from 2KB to 256KB when the renderer supports large rings.

This is sent out mainly for testing virgl/virglrenderer!603 (merged). It is marked draft because

  • it is only lightly tested
  • 256KB is randomly picked
  • no before/after performance data
  • not sure if we want to support older virglrenderer

So this MR supports both old and new virglrenderer, but the support needs cleanup. Quating the commit message

vn_instance_init_ring is called before vn_instance_init_experimental_features. To honor largeRing, we have several options

  • move vn_instance_init_experimental_features earlier and replace vn_call_vkGetVenusExperimentalFeatureData100000MESA by manual vn_renderer_submit_simple
  • re-initialize the ring
  • bump up specVersion to 100001
  • reject older virglrenderer

We pick the second option for testing only. We would like to pick the first option if that is not too much work.

/cc @zzyiwei @ryanneph

Edited by Chia-I Wu

Merge request reports