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v3dv: enable ASTC formats (almost)

Charlie Birks requested to merge Daft-Freak/mesa:v3dv-astc into main

Made the mistake of thinking that adding some formats would be easy... Passes > 8000 CTS tests, but fails ~40 in dEQP-VK.image.texel_view_compatible.graphic.*.astc*. Looks like blocks are getting lost somewhere, but at this point I'm just guessing.

(dEQP-VK.*.astc* results, the failures aren't consistent)

Test run totals:
  Passed:        8719/14776 (59.0%)
  Failed:        46/14776 (0.3%)
  Not supported: 6010/14776 (40.7%)
  Warnings:      1/14776 (0.0%)
  Waived:        0/14776 (0.0%)
Edited by Charlie Birks

Merge request reports
