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aco: Simple post-RA register recoloring

Timur Kristóf requested to merge Venemo/mesa:aco-more-postra-opts into main

Another small optimization that helps with the exec mask handling by recoloring SGPRs. It helps eliminate a few instructions, mainly exec copies.

Total stats are:

CodeSize: 370901396 -> 370545664 (-0.10%); split: -0.10%, +0.00%
Instrs: 70197098 -> 70108166 (-0.13%); split: -0.13%, +0.00%
Latency: 899465371 -> 899380729 (-0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
InvThroughput: 210523802 -> 210521709 (-0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
VClause: 1270025 -> 1269973 (-0.00%)
SClause: 2428158 -> 2428130 (-0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
Copies: 5096485 -> 5018535 (-1.53%)

Totals from 75257 (58.50% of 128647) affected shaders:
CodeSize: 189181928 -> 188826196 (-0.19%); split: -0.19%, +0.00%
Instrs: 36206257 -> 36117325 (-0.25%); split: -0.25%, +0.00%
Latency: 197829230 -> 197744588 (-0.04%); split: -0.04%, +0.00%
InvThroughput: 34166029 -> 34163936 (-0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
VClause: 629687 -> 629635 (-0.01%)
SClause: 1042343 -> 1042315 (-0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
Copies: 3130108 -> 3052158 (-2.49%)

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders  CodeSize   Instrs   Latency  InvThroughput  VClause   SClause    Copies  
 assassins_creed_origins          2104      -0.08%    -0.10%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .       -0.01%    -1.44%  
 battlefront2                     4568      -0.10%    -0.13%    -0.02%      -0.00%      -0.01%      .       -1.80%  
 britannia                        465       -0.14%    -0.19%    -0.04%      -0.01%        .         .       -2.56%  
 control_msaa4x                   752       -0.11%    -0.15%    -0.02%      -0.01%        .         .       -1.76%  
 control_no_msaa                  752       -0.11%    -0.15%    -0.02%      -0.01%        .         .       -1.76%  
 cyberpunk_2077                   5465      -0.06%    -0.08%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -0.91%  
 dark_souls_1_remastered          2017      -0.17%    -0.23%    -0.03%      +0.00%        .         .       -2.65%  
 dark_souls_2_sotfs               3262      -0.21%    -0.28%    -0.04%        .           .         .       -3.16%  
 dark_souls_3                     8904      -0.10%    -0.13%    -0.02%      -0.01%      -0.00%      .       -2.07%  
 death_stranding                  1467      -0.07%    -0.10%    -0.02%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.26%  
 detroit_become_human             19959     -0.06%    -0.08%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.00%    -0.89%  
 deus_ex_md                       8063      -0.21%    -0.27%    -0.04%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.59%  
 dirt4                            4030      -0.10%    -0.13%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.62%  
 doom_2016                        2039      -0.13%    -0.17%    -0.02%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.15%  
 doom_eternal                     1211      -0.05%    -0.06%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -0.71%  
 dota2                            1015      -0.16%    -0.22%    -0.05%        .           .         .       -2.26%  
 dow3                             280       -0.17%    -0.23%    -0.04%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.03%  
 evilwithin_demo                  740       -0.17%    -0.23%    -0.04%      -0.00%        .       -0.02%    -2.33%  
 f12017                           3365      -0.14%    -0.19%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.15%  
 gtav                             2987      -0.18%    -0.24%    -0.05%      -0.00%      -0.08%      .       -2.57%  
 hitman                           1606      -0.17%    -0.23%    -0.02%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.29%  
 madmax                           948       -0.18%    -0.24%    -0.05%        .           .         .       -2.82%  
 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders  CodeSize   Instrs   Latency  InvThroughput  VClause   SClause    Copies  
 monster_hunter_world_d3d11       3122      -0.05%    -0.06%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.04%  
 monster_hunter_world_d3d12       450       -0.01%    -0.01%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .         .       -0.15%  
 nier                             2422      -0.28%    -0.37%    -0.04%      -0.00%        .         .       -3.24%  
 parallel-rdp/small_subgroup      246       -0.01%    -0.02%    -0.00%        .           .         .       -0.26%  
 parallel-rdp/small_uber_subgroup 55        -0.02%    -0.03%    -0.00%        .           .         .       -0.09%  
 parallel-rdp/subgroup            327       -0.01%    -0.02%    -0.00%        .           .         .       -0.24%  
 parallel-rdp/uber_subgroup       55        -0.02%    -0.03%    -0.00%        .           .         .       -0.12%  
 rage2                            6876      -0.06%    -0.08%    -0.01%      -0.01%        .         .       -1.34%  
 rdr2                             3888      -0.06%    -0.08%    -0.01%      -0.00%      -0.01%      .       -1.21%  
 redout                           2509      -0.07%    -0.09%    -0.03%      -0.00%        .         .       -0.72%  
 rottr                            8120      -0.17%    -0.23%    -0.01%      -0.00%      -0.02%    -0.01%    -2.58%  
 sottr_demo                       5705      -0.11%    -0.14%    -0.01%      +0.00%        .       -0.02%    -1.80%  
 strange_brigade                  1417      -0.10%    -0.13%    -0.03%      -0.02%        .         .       -1.72%  
 talos                            794       -0.13%    -0.17%    -0.04%        .           .         .       -2.74%  
 thewitness                       3150      -0.06%    -0.09%    -0.02%      +0.00%        .         .       -1.79%  
 threekingdoms                    844       -0.13%    -0.18%    -0.04%      -0.00%        .         .       -2.65%  
 tomb_raider                      6410      -0.21%    -0.28%    -0.06%      -0.01%      -0.05%      .       -2.78%  
 warhammer2                       1803      -0.09%    -0.13%    -0.03%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.84%  
 wolfenstein2_fp16                1012      -0.07%    -0.09%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.17%  
 worldofwarships                  2130      -0.13%    -0.17%    -0.02%        .           .         .       -2.46%  
 youngblood                       631       -0.09%    -0.11%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.44%  
 youngblood_fp16                  682       -0.06%    -0.08%    -0.01%      -0.00%        .         .       -1.08%  
 All affected                     75257     -0.19%    -0.25%    -0.04%      -0.01%      -0.01%    -0.00%    -2.49%  
 Total                            128647    -0.10%    -0.13%    -0.01%      -0.00%      -0.00%    -0.00%    -1.53%  
Edited by Timur Kristóf

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