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  • Marek Olšák's avatar
    Revert "st/mesa: set MaxUnrollIterations = 255" · 6fcb5520
    Marek Olšák authored
    This reverts commit 20836c81
    255 is a huge number. If you have a loop with 255 iterations, unrolling it
    will exceed the SM3 instruction limit. Let's use the default again.
    The comment about a SM3 limit doesn't make sense. For SM3, we generally
    want 32 (default) or a lower number due to the SM3 instruction limit, which
    is 512 instructions. For SM4, we can try higher numbers if needed, but
    some shaders can end up being pretty huge and shader compilation can take
    more time.
    This fixes a shader compile failure on R500/SM3. Reported on IRC.
    Cc: 10.2 10.3 <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBrian Paul <>