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Support xfail'ing Timeouts in the baseline file

Charlie Turner requested to merge chturne/deqp-runner:cturner/timeout-xfail into main

/cc @anholt

In Mesa CI, there is a precedent to have listings like


in the *-fails.txt lists. However, these will always be reported still as timeouts (and hence fail the test run), since the Timeout type is never checked against a baseline.

This commit adds the same semantics as Crash,

  Expected, Seen -> Actual
  Crash, Fail -> UnexpectedPass
  Crash, Pass -> UnexpectedPass
  Crash, Crash -> XFail
  Timeout, Fail -> UnexpectedPass
  Timeout, Pass -> UnexpectedPass
  Timeout, Timeout -> XFail
Edited by Charlie Turner

Merge request reports