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Require OpenGL 2.0 for common shader-code

Erik Faye-Lund requested to merge kusma/mesa-demos:gl2-programs into main

We're bending over backwards a lot to try to support ARB_vertex_shader / ARB_fragment_shader instead of OpenGL 2.0 in common code. And this common code isn't really correct on all platforms; on macOS, GLhandleARB is 64-bits, whereas GLuint is 32-bits. This leads to a lot of compiler warnings.

...And it's not really like the ARB-program support works anyway; turns out we call glCompileShader() to compile the shaders, without going through any abstraction here. For non GL2 drivers, this could lead to a crash. Whoopsie. This has been broken since b8072258 ("progs/util: remove extfuncs.h (we use GLEW instead)"), when we switched to GLEW, and nobody has noticed until now...

So, let's just realize the fact that we don't support GL2 in the common code here, and move on. OpenGL 2.0 is old enough to drive a car in most countries these days; it's probably about time to wave goodbye to the ARB program support here.

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