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  • David Schleef's avatar
    gst/: Change GstBuffer private structure element names. (all files) · 09012ae0
    David Schleef authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    * gst/elements/gstfilesrc.c: (gst_filesrc_free_parent_mmap),
    * gst/gstbuffer.c: (_gst_buffer_initialize),
    (_gst_buffer_sub_free), (gst_buffer_default_copy),
    (gst_buffer_new), (gst_buffer_create_sub),
    (gst_buffer_is_span_fast), (gst_buffer_span):
    * gst/gstbuffer.h:
    Change GstBuffer private structure element names. (all files)
    * gst/gstqueue.c: (gst_queue_init), (gst_queue_getcaps),
    * gst/gstqueue.h:
    Implement getcaps/pad_link functions that handle the case where
    there are data in the queue.
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