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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    logging: enable logging domain VPN_PLUGIN up to level <info> · 4143fbde
    Thomas Haller authored
    The logging domain VPN_PLUGIN controlls logging of the VPN plugins.
    Especially at verbose levels <debug> and <trace>, the plugins might
    reveal sensitive information in the logging.
    Thus, this level should not be enabled by a
      $ nmcli logging general level DEBUG domains ALL
    It should only be enabled when requested explicitly.
      $ nmcli logging general level DEBUG domains ALL,VPN_PLUGIN:DEBUG
    Previously, the special level VPN_PLUGIN was entirely excluded from
    ALL and DEFAULT domains and it was entirely disabled by default. That
    is however to strict, as it completely silences the VPN plugins by
    defult. Now, enable them by default up to level INFO.
    VPN plugins should take care that they don't reveal sensitive
    information at levels <info> (LOG_NOTICE) and higher (less verbose).
    For more verbose levels they may print passwords, but that should
    still be avoided as far as possible.