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Fixes to make improve mainline compatiblity

Qiang Yu requested to merge mmind:lima-for-mainline into lima-4.10

Created by: mmind


I've started playing with your code on Rockchip SoCs using Mali400 GPUs and as I'm working with the mainline kernel as base, I stumbled over some areas for improvement :-) .

The biggest is of course the devicetree binding. Utgard Malis have an approved binding in the mainline kernel [0] that differs quite a bit from the older out-of-tree variants. So I've modified the device init to conform to the mainline one and have been able to bring up the gpus on both the rk3188 and rk3036 socs. So far I've only concentrated on the kernel side to get the driver to come up at all :-) .

The lima_ip stuff now also looks a bit much, with only the interrupt actually being handled there, so I'm planning on simplifying this a bit more in the future.

In my branch [1] I'm also sitting on some more patches that are needed for newer kernel versions to work at all (prefixed with FORWARD).

So, let me know what you think :-)

Thanks Heiko

[0],mali-utgard.txt [1]

Merge request reports