FWIW, the new meson build system in current master doesn't build the samples or run the sample tests, so the bug isn't visible anymore.
See also https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/pull/21175
Looks like now meson on master is a better route to Windows support.
Is there an XMP packet? Not compressed? As per XMP Specification Part 3: 1.6.1.
There is no handler for PDF....
So yeah having this pass would be progress.
this is probably more due to the lack of coverage. Lots of formats aren't tested.
I tested this on big-endian ppc64 to investigate. There's only one failing test in the exempi test suite on big-endian:...
note that I suspect this is utterly broken on SPARC anyway since it's a big endian platform and in a lot of place there is code that don't look end...
Given that it is code changes in the Adobe code:...