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Add escape and asterisk to the DWT blacklist

José Expósito requested to merge JoseExposito/libinput:issue-820 into main

The escape key can be used to cancel a drag and drop action in some desktop environments. However, it triggers disable-while-typing, ending the drag and drop action rather than cancelling it.

Add it to the tp_key_ignore_for_dwt() set to avoid it.

Since I'm here, add the asterisk key as it is the only numpad key not ignored by tp_key_ignore_for_dwt() as suggested by @satrmb.

Unrelated, but required to run the tests on my machine:

The ck_assert_ptr_null() function is not available in the version of the check library included in 20.04 LTS Focal (0.10.0).

Use ck_assert_ptr_eq() to avoid compilation errors.

Fix: #820 (closed)

Merge request reports