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Add hold gesture implementation

Merge request to implement the new hold gesture described in !293 (closed) and fix #300 (closed) at least at the libinput level.

Hold gestures are notifications about fingers on the touchpad. As touchpad touches are generally fully abstracted, a client cannot currently know when a user is interacting with the touchpad without moving.

Hold gestures are primarily designed for two interactions:

  • hold-to-interact: where a hold gesture is active for some time a menu could pop up, or some object is selected, etc.
  • hold-to-cancel: where e.g. kinetic scrolling is currently active, the start of a hold gesture can be used to stop the scroll

Since hold gestures by definition do not have movement, there is no need for an "update" stage in the gesture.


Implementation explanation:

Hold gestures are a little bit special because they are the only gestures that don't require motion to be triggered. That's why you will notice that I had the make a couple of small changes in src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c - tp_post_events and add tp->gesture.filter_motion.

In the next layer, the gesture state machine, I integrated pointer motion as an extra state and moved the motion based gesture recognition (swipe, pinch, scroll and pointer motion) to a common place, emitting gesture_event events when they are recogniced.

Next, I added the hold gesture state, that can be triggered following 2 paths:

  • If tap is not enabled, hold is triggered after DEFAULT_GESTURE_HOLD_TIMEOUT if no motion or gesture is detected
  • If tap is enabled, hold is synchronised with the tap state machine and triggered on TAP_STATE_HOLD, TAP_STATE_TOUCH_2_HOLD or TAP_STATE_TOUCH_3_HOLD

I decided to not change how LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_GESTURE works, even though it is technically possible to add some level of support to devices with !tp->gesture.enabled.

I think that the diff is big and complex enough at this point and I'd rather prefer to improve support in a follow up MR once this get's implemented by clients, we see that hold gestures are useful and/or someone request support.

Edited by José Expósito

Merge request reports