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quirks: add a default resolution for Huion devices

Peter Hutterer requested to merge whot/libinput:wip/huion-quirks into main

The Inspiroy 2S H641P in default mode (without hid-uclogic support) says the pen interface has a Logical Maximum of 32767. Over the 160x100mm active surface this is ca 205x328 units/mm. This isn't correct across all devices but let's use it as fallback value so the tablets work out of the box. It's hard to set these tablets via 60-evdev.hwdb otherwise because most Huion tablets share a few PIDs only.

Note: this doesn't overwrite the kernel resolution it merely provides a fallback where no kernel resolution is set.

The firmware report descriptor does set a physical range (2048) but it sets it in cubic inch which is ignored by the kernel:

  # 0x65, 0x33,      //     Unit (EnglishLinear: in³)             48
Edited by Peter Hutterer

Merge request reports