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  • Peter Hutterer's avatar
    touchpad: don't allow for multifinger tapping after a move · 27161626
    Peter Hutterer authored
    In the current implementation, movements > threshold and timeouts usually move
    to HOLD state and continue from there. Where a finger is lifted, we go back
    up the diagram into the previous finger count's HOLD state.
    The side-effect of this is that a tap of a finger can be counted as tap even
    after a movement:
    - two fingers down, move to scroll, hold down
    - third finger down, third finger up
    This sequence triggers an erroneous three-finger tap. Once the motion
    threshold is hit by any touch, no finger must trigger 2/3 finger tap events
    while any touch is down.
    The false tap is only triggered where the new finger can execute a tap without
    any other finger changing any property. This can be triggered on the
    reporter's Dell Precision 5520 but on most other touchpads, a new finger down
    will trigger slight movement, pressure or touch size updates and thus the bug
    cannot be triggered.
    Fixes #382
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Hutterer <>