Support for the Huion Kdial Mini K20 remote
Hi, here is a request to support the Huion Kdial Mini K20 remote. It's remote pad device that connects over Bluetooth or Usb-c with 16 buttons and a dial. It's shipped by default with all the Huion Kamvas Pro series.
On GNU/Linux, it works out of the box (USB-C and Bluetooth) on X11 and Wayland session (tested on Debian KDE 12, and Fedora Live KDE 40.1.14)
Only feature missing: the dial and its middle button that does nothing.
The default layout looks like that:
[ k ][ g ][ l ][ del ]
[ i ][ d ][ b ][ e ]
[ s ][ z ][ c ][ v ]
[ ctl ][ alt ][ shi ][ Ent ]
[ spacebar ][ n ][ ]
It's a well studied layout: user can press many combination (eg. Ctrl+Shift+S, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Shift+Z, etc...), and classic like E (eraser) and B (brush) are side by side.
Thanks to this default layout with single key combination, this pad sounds relatively easy to customize via key substitution using a udev/hwdb.d rule.
Hid-recorder report
Here is a full hid-recorder containing all keypress.
I generated this file while recording this video, so you can replay the events and see what button I press.
SVG for libwacom
I also did some work around the SVG for the GUI, but as usual, I'm afraid I can't cleanup Inkscape's file more or autorename correctly the buttons. Here is a preview:
Here is my SVG file: