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Commit 6f52686d authored by Matt Turner's avatar Matt Turner Committed by Emil Velikov
Browse files

glsl: Rewrite and fix min/max to saturate optimization.

There were some bugs, and the code was really difficult to follow. We
would optimize

   min(max(x, b), 1.0) into max(sat(x), b)

but not pay attention to the order of min/max and also do

   max(min(x, b), 1.0) into max(sat(x), b)

Corrects four shaders from Champions of Regnum that do

   min(max(x, 1), 10)

and corrects rendering of Mass Effect under VMware Workstation.

Cc: "10.4 10.5" <>

Reviewed-by: default avatarAbdiel Janulgue <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarIan Romanick <>
(cherry picked from commit cb25087c)
parent 1527f569
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......@@ -696,48 +696,65 @@ ir_algebraic_visitor::handle_expression(ir_expression *ir)
* a saturate operation
for (int op = 0; op < 2; op++) {
ir_expression *minmax = op_expr[op];
ir_expression *inner_expr = op_expr[op];
ir_constant *outer_const = op_const[1 - op];
ir_expression_operation op_cond = (ir->operation == ir_binop_max) ?
ir_binop_min : ir_binop_max;
if (!minmax || !outer_const || (minmax->operation != op_cond))
if (!inner_expr || !outer_const || (inner_expr->operation != op_cond))
/* One of these has to be a constant */
if (!inner_expr->operands[0]->as_constant() &&
/* Found a min(max) combination. Now try to see if its operands
* meet our conditions that we can do just a single saturate operation
for (int minmax_op = 0; minmax_op < 2; minmax_op++) {
ir_rvalue *inner_val_a = minmax->operands[minmax_op];
ir_rvalue *inner_val_b = minmax->operands[1 - minmax_op];
ir_rvalue *x = inner_expr->operands[minmax_op];
ir_rvalue *y = inner_expr->operands[1 - minmax_op];
if (!inner_val_a || !inner_val_b)
ir_constant *inner_const = y->as_constant();
if (!inner_const)
/* Found a {min|max} ({max|min} (x, 0.0), 1.0) operation and its variations */
if ((outer_const->is_one() && inner_val_a->is_zero()) ||
(inner_val_a->is_one() && outer_const->is_zero()))
return saturate(inner_val_b);
/* Found a {min|max} ({max|min} (x, 0.0), b) where b < 1.0
* and its variations
if (is_less_than_one(outer_const) && inner_val_b->is_zero())
return expr(ir_binop_min, saturate(inner_val_a), outer_const);
if (!inner_val_b->as_constant())
if (is_less_than_one(inner_val_b->as_constant()) && outer_const->is_zero())
return expr(ir_binop_min, saturate(inner_val_a), inner_val_b);
/* Found a {min|max} ({max|min} (x, b), 1.0), where b > 0.0
* and its variations
if (outer_const->is_one() && is_greater_than_zero(inner_val_b->as_constant()))
return expr(ir_binop_max, saturate(inner_val_a), inner_val_b);
if (inner_val_b->as_constant()->is_one() && is_greater_than_zero(outer_const))
return expr(ir_binop_max, saturate(inner_val_a), outer_const);
/* min(max(x, 0.0), 1.0) is sat(x) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_min &&
inner_const->is_zero() &&
return saturate(x);
/* max(min(x, 1.0), 0.0) is sat(x) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_max &&
inner_const->is_one() &&
return saturate(x);
/* min(max(x, 0.0), b) where b < 1.0 is sat(min(x, b)) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_min &&
inner_const->is_zero() &&
return saturate(expr(ir_binop_min, x, outer_const));
/* max(min(x, b), 0.0) where b < 1.0 is sat(min(x, b)) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_max &&
is_less_than_one(inner_const) &&
return saturate(expr(ir_binop_min, x, inner_const));
/* max(min(x, 1.0), b) where b > 0.0 is sat(max(x, b)) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_max &&
inner_const->is_one() &&
return saturate(expr(ir_binop_max, x, outer_const));
/* min(max(x, b), 1.0) where b > 0.0 is sat(max(x, b)) */
if (ir->operation == ir_binop_min &&
is_greater_than_zero(inner_const) &&
return saturate(expr(ir_binop_max, x, inner_const));
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