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d3d12: logicop fixes

Erik Faye-Lund requested to merge d3d12-logiop-fixes into msclc-d3d12

These fixes have been factored out of !64 (merged), as they all relate to the same matter.

One of these commits are not like the others; "HACK: d3d12: remap color-formats to int for logic-op". This is marked as "HACK", because it's far from comprehensive enough. But it's enough to get us through the current set of piglits, with one exception; the B8G8R8[AX]8 -> R8G8B8A8 mapping makes the runtime complain.

Ideally, we should be creating these resources using _TYPELESS-formats instead, and only override to UINT here

Still, this makes the tests pass for us. All of the missing stuff is probably because logic-op is an old legacy feature, and isn't practically used in that many configurations.

So, even if this isn't perfect, perhaps it's enough for a while?

Edited by Erik Faye-Lund

Merge request reports