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  • Gert Wollny's avatar
    microsoft/compiler: Prepare handling phi nodes in bistcast optimization · 92910b7e
    Gert Wollny authored and Erik Faye-Lund's avatar Erik Faye-Lund committed
    PHI nodes need special treatment, because the incoming values are bound
    to blocks so that we can't bitcast on the fly and need to bitcast
    while storing instead. So scan the shader for PHI nodes and add some
    type info to the variable storage beforehand, so that we can emit a
    bitcast while storing if needed. Use integers as type because it
    supports more bit sizes then float, and for 64 bit support for double
    already implies support for int64.
    v2: Allocate PHI sources with the expected bit size and as INT
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGert Wollny <>