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Commit 856c7edd authored by Illia Iorin's avatar Illia Iorin Committed by Dylan Baker
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mesa/main: Ignore filter state for MS texture completeness

After the discussion in

the section 8.17 (texture completeness) of the OpenGL 4.6 core profile
was changed to explicitly say that multisample texture completeness
ignores filter state of the texture.

"Using the preceding definitions, a texture is complete unless any of the
 following conditions hold true:
  - The minification filter requires a mipmap (is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR),
    the texture is not multisample, and the texture is not mipmap complete.
  - The texture is not multisample; either the magnification filter is not
    NEAREST, or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor NEAREST_-
    MIPMAP_NEAREST; and any of
    – The internal format of the texture is integer (see table 8.12).
    – The internal format is STENCIL_INDEX.
    – The internal format is DEPTH_STENCIL, and the value of DEPTH_-
      STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE for the texture is STENCIL_INDEX."

Signed-off-by: default avatarDanylo Piliaiev <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarIllia Iorin <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMarek Olšák <>
(cherry picked from commit 6b672e34)
parent 4c82d426
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......@@ -124,14 +124,28 @@ static inline GLboolean
_mesa_is_texture_complete(const struct gl_texture_object *texObj,
const struct gl_sampler_object *sampler)
struct gl_texture_image *img = texObj->Image[0][texObj->BaseLevel];
bool isMultisample = img && img->NumSamples >= 2;
* According to ARB_stencil_texturing, NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST would
* be forbidden, however it is allowed per GL 4.5 rules, allow it
* even without GL 4.5 since it was a spec mistake.
if ((texObj->_IsIntegerFormat ||
/* Section 8.17 (texture completeness) of the OpenGL 4.6 core profile spec:
* "The texture is not multisample; either the magnification filter is not
* NEAREST, or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor NEAREST_-
* MIPMAP_NEAREST; and any of
* – The internal format of the texture is integer.
* – The internal format is STENCIL_INDEX.
* – The internal format is DEPTH_STENCIL, and the value of DEPTH_-
if (!isMultisample &&
(texObj->_IsIntegerFormat ||
(texObj->StencilSampling &&
texObj->Image[0][texObj->BaseLevel]->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)) &&
img->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)) &&
(sampler->MagFilter != GL_NEAREST ||
(sampler->MinFilter != GL_NEAREST &&
sampler->MinFilter != GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST))) {
......@@ -139,7 +153,12 @@ _mesa_is_texture_complete(const struct gl_texture_object *texObj,
return GL_FALSE;
if (_mesa_is_mipmap_filter(sampler))
/* Section 8.17 (texture completeness) of the OpenGL 4.6 core profile spec:
* "The minification filter requires a mipmap (is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR),
* the texture is not multisample, and the texture is not mipmap complete.""
if (!isMultisample &&_mesa_is_mipmap_filter(sampler))
return texObj->_MipmapComplete;
return texObj->_BaseComplete;
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