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Commit 6b32ccbb authored by Thibault Saunier's avatar Thibault Saunier :cactus:
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overrides: Disable all GStreamer APIs until Gst has been initialized

And throw an exception if the user tries to call any Gst API without
initializing gst.

Reviewers: Mathieu_Du

Differential Revision:
parent 67d7adc8
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......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import sys
from inspect import signature
from ..overrides import override
from ..importer import modules
from inspect import getmembers
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
_basestring = str
......@@ -335,3 +337,60 @@ Gst.warning = _gi_gst.warning
Gst.error = _gi_gst.error
Gst.fixme = _gi_gst.fixme
Gst.memdump = _gi_gst.memdump
# Make sure PyGst is not usable if GStreamer has not been initialized
class NotInitalized(Exception):
def fake_method(*args):
raise NotInitalized("Please call Gst.init(argv) before using GStreamer")
real_functions = [o for o in getmembers(Gst) if isinstance(o[1], type(Gst.init))]
class_methods = []
for cname_klass in [o for o in getmembers(Gst) if isinstance(o[1], type(Gst.Element)) or isinstance(o[1], type(Gst.Caps))]:
[(o, cname_klass[1].__dict__[o])
for o in cname_klass[1].__dict__
if isinstance(cname_klass[1].__dict__[o], type(Gst.init))]))
def init_pygst():
for fname, function in real_functions:
if fname not in ["init", "init_check", "deinit"]:
setattr(Gst, fname, function)
for cname_class, methods in class_methods:
for mname, method in methods:
setattr(cname_class[1], mname, method)
def deinit_pygst():
for fname, func in real_functions:
if fname not in ["init", "init_check", "deinit"]:
setattr(Gst, fname, fake_method)
for cname_class, methods in class_methods:
for mname, method in methods:
setattr(cname_class[1], mname, fake_method)
real_init = Gst.init
def init(argv):
return real_init(argv)
Gst.init = init
real_init_check = Gst.init_check
def init_check(argv):
return real_init_check(argv)
Gst.init_check = init_check
real_deinit = Gst.deinit
def deinit():
return real_deinit()
Gst.deinit = deinit
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