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Update version to 164.3095

amyspark requested to merge amyspark/x264:amyspark/meson-upgrade into 164.3095-meson

Hi all,

This is a MR requested by @tpm to update the x264 version. Unfortunately, upstream's had many updates in the past three years, so I've had to reengineer a fair bit to allow Meson usage.

If you want to merge the branch update first, then force-push 233366fd into the meson branch, and then we can review the newly added bits in isolation.

Fixes #6 (closed)


  • Updated version to n3107 n3095 (git rev-list --count master is the number followed by upstream)
  • Added support for Arm, AArch64, and the rest of the Meson-supported instruction sets
  • Completed all the FIXMEs marked in the cdata settings
  • Bumped the macOS and Windows runners and added Android jobs
  • Added Android x86 job to cover a known ld.lld quirk regarding fPIC and assembly relocation
Edited by amyspark

Merge request reports