vulkan: clear up vulkan validation errors
vkdecoder: handle barrier internally for coincide references
This is to avoid a regression in validation layer (introduced by commit 916c4e70) when using vulkandownload
VUID-VkImageMemoryBarrier2-srcAccessMask-03914 .. vkCmdPipelineBarrier2(): pDependencyInfo->pImageMemoryBarriers[1].srcAccessMask (VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT) is not supported by stage mask (VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VIDEO_DECODE_BIT_KHR)
since vulkandownload set DPB memories' access mask to VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT, while they are retain by the DPB queue, so when they are used as DPB after been shown, this validation error is raised.
Must of the barrier values are set ignoring the previous state of the vulkan images.
vkimagebufferpool: no aliased images for video decoding
This fix regression in validation layer introduced by commit 3a2a8d2d19