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d3d12decoder: Always output sharable texture

Seungha Yang requested to merge seungha.yang/gstreamer:d3d12dec-sharable into main
    qsvencoder: Handle d3d12 context

    GstD3D12Device objetct's internal resources are singletons per adapter
    already though, the object itself is not a singleton.
    Due to the singleton design (unlike other APIs such as d3d11),
    d3d12 device context sharing is not a strict requirement
    for zero-copy, but handles context ones to make things less noisy.
    d3d12decoder: Always output sharable texture

    Because shared heap's additional costs is not significant,
    use D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED for resource can be shared over process
    boundary. And enables render target for d3d11 interop in the process.

Merge request reports