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avcodecmap: Increase max AAC channels to 16

Piotr Brzeziński requested to merge thewildtree/gstreamer:avenc-aac-8ch into main

FFmpeg's aacenc supports up to 16 now, so let's enable this in our elements too.

8 channel output works perfectly fine, I tested 7.1 and 8.0 layouts.

16 channel encoding also works correctly, but codec-utils can't yet parse its channel config, so level won't be set in output caps. Needs GASpecificConfig parsing for that to work. Aside from that, also seems correct, I tested it with the AV_CH_LAYOUT_HEXADECAGONAL layout (0x3137D37 channel mask in GStreamer).

Small fix regarding >16ch is also included, as a double-free would happen in that scenario, resulting in a crash and malloc complaining.

Edited by Piotr Brzeziński

Merge request reports
