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Various macOS build fixes

Nirbheek Chauhan requested to merge nirbheek/gstreamer:macos-devenv-rpath into main
meson: Force pcre2 to be provided by a subproject on macOS

Newer macOS provides /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpcre2-8.pc which is broken
because it says headers are in /usr/include but that directory doesn't
exist. It can only be used to find the library, which only exists on
newer macOS at /usr/lib/libpcre2-8.dylib, so it's also unusable.

So, force usage of the subproject for glib.
meson: Fix pixman build on ARM64 macOS
meson: Bump required version to 0.63 for diff_files support

Fixes a warning.
meson: Provide fontconfig dep from the subproject

The wrap was doing nothing, because nothing in it was providing the
meson: Add a native file for macOS x86_64/arm64

This also supports Homebrew and Qt5
git-hooks: Not all OSes ship Python 3 under "python"

macOS doesn't, for instance. Use a shell script to detect which python
to run, which is always available on all OSes due to how git is
packaged on Windows.
meson: Use tarball for graphene instead of git
Edited by Nirbheek Chauhan

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