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gststructure: Fix gst_structure_take ownership handling

Jan Alexander Steffens requested to merge heftig/gstreamer:structure-take into master

The old code would leave a dangling pointer in oldstr_ptr if two threads attempted to take the same structure into the same location at the same time:

  1. First oldstr == newstr check (before the loop) fails.
  2. Compare-and-exchange fails, due to a second thread completing the same gst_structure_take.
  3. Second oldstr == newstr check (in the loop) succeeds, loop breaks.
  4. oldstr check succeeds, old structure gets freed.
  5. oldstr_ptr now contains a dangling pointer.

This shouldn't happen in code that handles ownership sanely, so check that we don't try to do this and complain loudly.

Also simplify the function by using a do-while loop, like gst_mini_object_take.

Edited by Jan Alexander Steffens

Merge request reports