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v4l2videodec: Fixes three H.264/HEVC ITU conformance tests with amphion vpu driver

F. Duncanh requested to merge (removed):gstv4l2videodec-fix into main

A change in the way frames lost due to driver bugs are dropped in gstv4l2videodec.c broke a "fluster test" of the amphion vpu driver, where the test sends frames out of order. This patch postpones the cleanup of consecutive pending frames starting with frame 0 until a frame with system_frame_number of at least 100 is dequeued, and these pending frames are safely presumed lost. The previously-broken fluster tests listed below are now reported to succeed:

  3. JCT-VC-HEVC_V1/POC_A_Bossen_3

Fixes #1569 (closed)

Edited by F. Duncanh

Merge request reports