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vadeinterlace: Fix passthrough latency query

Eric Knapp requested to merge emkman99/gstreamer:deinterlace-passthrough into main

The latency query should be forwarded to the parent when in passthrough mode (same as the deinterlace element). Right now it returns FALSE, causing latency queries to fail.

This prints "latency query failed" warnings from vacompositor:

GST_DEBUG="3" gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! vadeinterlace ! vapostproc ! vacompositor ! fakesink

Latency queries work when deinterlace is used instead of vadeinterlace:

GST_DEBUG="3" gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! deinterlace ! vapostproc ! vacompositor ! fakesink

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