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cuda: Windows related update

Seungha Yang requested to merge seungha.yang/gstreamer:cuda-d3d11-copy into main
    cudaupload,cudadownload: Use shared GstD3D11Device context if possible

    Handle d3d11 device context in set_context() method with
    additional device compatibility check so that only NVIDIA GPU
    associated d3d11 device can be configured in the element.
    And clear old d3d11 device per set_info() for d3d11 device to be
    updated as well.
    cuda: Remove GST_CUDA_HAS_D3D define from header

    ... and fix d3d11 specific enum type name

    GST_CUDA_HAS_D3D is a build time define which indicates whether
    GstD3D11 library is available or not, but DirectX SDK headers
    must be available on the build system already.

    Expose Direct3D related symbols if the build target is Windows
    (i.e., if G_OS_WIN32 is defined)

Merge request reports