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gstav1parse: fixup various possible logical errors

Found via an analyzed build for Clang. Specifically we had:

gstav1parse.c[1850,11] in gst_av1_parse_detect_stream_format: Logic error: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
gstav1parse.c[1606,11] in gst_av1_parse_handle_to_small_and_equal_align: Logic error: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value

Also a couple of false positives:

gstav1parse.c[1398,24] in gst_av1_parse_handle_one_obu: Logic error: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value
gstav1parse.c[1440,37] in gst_av1_parse_handle_one_obu: Logic error: The left operand of '-' is a garbage value
Edited by Camilo Celis Guzman

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