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  • Tim-Philipp Müller's avatar
    jack: tone down log ERRORs in case no JACK server is running · 8b9f1278
    Tim-Philipp Müller authored and GStreamer Marge Bot's avatar GStreamer Marge Bot committed
    jackaudiosink and jackaudiosrc have a rank and might be plugged
    as part of auto-plugging inside playbin and playsink or the
    autoaudiosink/autoaudiosrc elements, so we don't really want to
    spew ERROR log messages in that case, which is consistent with
    what alsasink and pulseaudiosink do.
    This is less noticable on Linux because pulseaudiosink has a
    higher and alsasink which has the same rank comes before jack
    in the alphabet.
    Part-of: <!4545>