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  • Christian Curtis Veng's avatar
    glcolorconvert: fix wrong RGB to YUV matrix with bt709 · 3f675cb4
    Christian Curtis Veng authored and GStreamer Marge Bot's avatar GStreamer Marge Bot committed
    Converting from RGB to YUV: When comparing the info.colorimetry to
    GST_VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT709 it does not make sense to look at the input
    signal because that is of type of RGB. The plugin needs to look at the
    output YUV-type and compare GST_VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT709 to that, because
    that is the YUV-type the plugin needs to convert input-RGB into.
    Converting from YUV to RGB: Comparing to the input is correct, but because
    here the color encoding info BT601/BT709 is on input side of the plugin.
    Part-of: <gstreamer/gstreamer!5998>