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test: fix a ninja test failure for vaapioverlay.

He Junyan requested to merge He_Junyan/gstreamer-vaapi:test_build_error into master

That test case will fail when build with

meson -Dwith_x11=yes -Dwith_wayland=no -Dwith_drm=no -Dwith_egl=yes -Dwith_glx=no

Get a failure:

general:test_overlay_position:0: Unexpected critical/warning: value "((GstVaapiDisplayType) 4)" of type 'GstVaapiDisplayType' is invalid or out of range for property 'dis play' of type 'GstVaapiDisplayType'

The display type changes when build with different paramters, we just need to set the display type to a default value.

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