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vaapipostproc: fix critical messages/errors when no VA VPP support

If the driver does not support VAEntrypointVideoProc, then we will not have a functional VPP filter to use colorimetry, video direction and cropping features. This is possible, as pointed out here. Thus, avoid using the gst_vaapi_filter* APIs if VA VPP is non-functional.

Fixes #235 (closed)

Tested in an ubuntu:disco Docker container with intel-media-va-driver installed (i.e. no VA VPP):

gst-launch-1.0 -vf videotestsrc ! vaapipostproc video-direction=3 crop-left=10 ! vaapisink

... and critical messages/errors are eliminated (and those VPP features are ignored).

Also tested the colorimetry/direction/crop features still work when VA VPP is supported.

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