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videobufferpool: dma: do not reset surface when internal created.

He Junyan requested to merge He_Junyan/gstreamer-vaapi:buffer_pool_reset into master

The previous bug fixing in gst_vaapi_video_buffer_pool_reset_buffer just considers the case that the surface of DMA is passed down by the gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer's caller, which is typically a decoder's behaviour. But for others, such as postproc, it does not provide surface when call gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer, so we need to create a surface internally and link it to the GstMemory. If we reset the meta of buffer in buffer_pool_reset_buffer, that surface will be destroyed and not available anymore. But the GstBuffer will be cached to the buffer pool and reused again, which causes a bug.

Fix: #232 (closed)

Merge request reports