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ci: Always build-test docs; fix fallout

Marijn Suijten requested to merge MarijnS95/gstreamer-rs:fix-docs into master

The CI was never testing the documentation leading to some issues that slipped in. I'm not happy with the last HACK: commit, @slomo any suggestions (preferably without reverting the responsible commit, or I should really get a prospective MR for my 1.20 preliminaries up once GLFilter is merged, on which that's based)?

Luckily the docs build without warnings, but embed-lgpl-docs do not. I don't think those should be tested as the import only happens once every so often and isn't up to code contributors to fix - but it's something to keep in mind when new docs are deployed.

Warnings when building with `embed-lgpl-docs`
warning: gstreamer-rs/examples/Cargo.toml: unused manifest key: bin.31.features
warning: output filename collision.
The lib target `futures` in package `futures v0.3.13` has the same output filename as the bin target `futures` in package `examples v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/examples)`.
Colliding filename is: gstreamer-rs/target/doc/futures/index.html
The targets should have unique names.
This is a known bug where multiple crates with the same name use
the same path; see <>.
   Compiling gstreamer-rs-lgpl-docs v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/docs)
 Documenting gstreamer-rs-lgpl-docs v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/docs)
   Compiling gstreamer v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer)
   Compiling gstreamer-base v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-base)
   Compiling gstreamer-pbutils v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-pbutils)
   Compiling gstreamer-audio v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-audio)
   Compiling gstreamer-app v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-app)
   Compiling gstreamer-video v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-video)
   Compiling gstreamer-sdp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-sdp)
   Compiling gstreamer-gl v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl)
   Compiling gstreamer-rtsp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtsp)
   Compiling gstreamer-net v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-net)
   Compiling gstreamer-gl-wayland v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/wayland)
   Compiling gstreamer-webrtc v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-webrtc)
   Compiling gstreamer-gl-x11 v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/x11)
   Compiling gstreamer-rtsp-server v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtsp-server)
   Compiling gstreamer-editing-services v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-editing-services)
   Compiling gstreamer-check v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-check)
   Compiling gstreamer-rtp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtp)
   Compiling gstreamer-player v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-player)
   Compiling gstreamer-gl-egl v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/egl)
   Compiling gstreamer-controller v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-controller)
 Documenting gstreamer v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer)
warning: unresolved link to `GST_TYPE_ARRAY`
   --> gstreamer/src/
114 | /// - [GstValueArray](GST_TYPE_ARRAY) are inside curly brackets (`{` and `}`).
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item named `GST_TYPE_ARRAY` in scope
    = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links)]` on by default
    = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: unresolved link to `GST_TYPE_LIST`
   --> gstreamer/src/
120 | /// - [GstValueList](GST_TYPE_LIST) are inside "less and greater than" (`<` and
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item named `GST_TYPE_LIST` in scope
    = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: 2 warnings emitted

 Documenting gstreamer-base v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-base)
 Documenting gstreamer-pbutils v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-pbutils)
 Documenting gstreamer-sdp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-sdp)
 Documenting gstreamer-net v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-net)
 Documenting gstreamer-controller v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-controller)
 Documenting gstreamer-rtp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtp)
 Documenting gstreamer-check v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-check)
warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
   --> gstreamer-rtp/src/auto/
430 | ///
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`
    = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::non_autolinks)]` on by default

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
   --> gstreamer-rtp/src/auto/
430 | ///
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: 2 warnings emitted

 Documenting gstreamer-rtsp v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtsp)
 Documenting gstreamer-webrtc v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-webrtc)
warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
  --> gstreamer-webrtc/src/auto/
18 | /// See`section`-4.1.1
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`
   = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::non_autolinks)]` on by default

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
   --> gstreamer-webrtc/src/auto/
721 | /// See`section`-4.1.1
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
  --> gstreamer-webrtc/src/auto/
18 | /// See`section`-4.1.1
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

 Documenting gstreamer-rtsp-server v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-rtsp-server)
 Documenting gstreamer-audio v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-audio)
 Documenting gstreamer-app v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-app)
 Documenting gstreamer-video v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-video)
 Documenting gstreamer-editing-services v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-editing-services)
warning: 3 warnings emitted

 Documenting tutorials v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/tutorials)
warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
  --> gstreamer-video/src/auto/
17 | ///
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`
   = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::non_autolinks)]` on by default

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
  --> gstreamer-video/src/auto/
20 | ///
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
   --> gstreamer-video/src/auto/
119 | ///
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
   --> gstreamer-video/src/auto/
123 | ///`Complete_list_of_AFD_codes`
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: this URL is not a hyperlink
  --> gstreamer-video/src/auto/
17 | ///
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use an automatic link instead: `<>`

warning: unresolved link to `ges_pipeline_set_render_settings`
   --> gstreamer-editing-services/src/auto/
173 |     /// > **NOTE**: [Rendering settings](ges_pipeline_set_render_settings) need to be
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item named `ges_pipeline_set_render_settings` in scope
    = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links)]` on by default
    = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: unresolved link to `ges_pipeline_set_render_settings`
   --> gstreamer-editing-services/src/auto/
173 |     /// > **NOTE**: [Rendering settings](ges_pipeline_set_render_settings) need to be
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item named `ges_pipeline_set_render_settings` in scope
    = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: 5 warnings emitted

 Documenting gstreamer-gl v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl)
 Documenting gstreamer-player v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-player)
 Documenting examples v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/examples)
warning: 2 warnings emitted

warning: unresolved link to `0,1`
  --> gstreamer-player/src/auto/
51 |     /// The current value of `type_`, between [0,1]. In case of
   |                                                ^^^ no item named `0,1` in scope
   = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links)]` on by default
   = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: unresolved link to `0,1`
   --> gstreamer-player/src/auto/
357 |     /// The new value for the `type_`, ranged [0,1]
    |                                                ^^^ no item named `0,1` in scope
    = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`

warning: 2 warnings emitted

 Documenting gstreamer-gl-x11 v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/x11)
 Documenting gstreamer-gl-egl v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/egl)
 Documenting gstreamer-gl-wayland v0.17.0 (gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-gl/wayland)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 25.38s
Edited by Marijn Suijten

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