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Cturner/add tutorial 9

Sebastian Dröge requested to merge charlie-ht:cturner/add-tutorial-9 into master

Created by: charlie-ht

The build is not working correctly yet, posting this PR for some advice on that :-)

[cturner@localhost tutorials]$ cargo build
    Updating git repository ``
    Updating git repository ``                                                         
    Updating index                                                                                                   
error: no matching version `= 0.5.0` found for package `gstreamer-audio-sys`                                                   
location searched:
versions found: 0.7.0
required by package `gstreamer-pbutils-sys v0.7.0 (`
    ... which is depended on by `gstreamer-pbutils v0.13.0 (`
    ... which is depended on by `tutorials v0.11.0 (/home/cturner/git/gstreamer-rs/tutorials)`

It wasn't clear to me how I should depend on gstreamer-pbutils in the tutorials' Cargo.toml file. There is also an issue with printing caps in this patch, I have a description of the issue in the code, maybe there is a nicer way to handle printing GValues.

Merge request reports