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webrtc: Update to livekit 0.2

Sebastian Dröge requested to merge slomo/gst-plugins-rs:livekit-0.2 into main

Needs fixing for the new API. Not obvious to me what the replacement is without reading how the API actually works.

error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `Open` found for enum `SignalEvent` in the current scope
   --> net/webrtc/src/livekit_signaller/
100 |                     signal_client::SignalEvent::Open => {}
    |                                                 ^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `SignalEvent`

error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `Signal` found for enum `SignalEvent` in the current scope
   --> net/webrtc/src/livekit_signaller/
101 |                     signal_client::SignalEvent::Signal(signal) => {
    |                                                 ^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `SignalEvent`

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.

CC @ocrete @davidlzhao @theomonnom

Merge request reports