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audio aggregator: Post QoS message when dropping audio

Post a QOS message whenever the base class needs to drop some samples.

To do this:

  1. Add a “qos-messages” property to each sink pad of the GstAudioAggregator base class
  2. When this property is enabled, emit a GST_MESSAGE_QOS, this message contains
    1. src: Other elements will put the element there, but you want to know which source is dropped, so I put the sink pad in there
    2. live: Always TRUE, it doesn’t drop if the stream isn’t live...
    3. running_time/stream_time/timestamp: These all correspond to the first sample to be dropped. It will also always be the start of a buffer, because the only case where it drops thing is if a buffer arrives late. They are in the segment of the sink pad (the input segment), not the output segment.
    4. duration: This corresponds to the number of dropped samples (but in nanoseconds)
    5. processed: The total number of samples successfully mixed up to this point, this doesn’t increase between QoS messages, it means that they were all dropped in the same “gap”
    6. dropped: The number of samples that were dropped in total. This should increase with each QoS message
Edited by Olivier Crête

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