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  • Jan Schmidt's avatar Check for libdvdnav to build resindvd. · 0951e00d
    Jan Schmidt authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    Check for libdvdnav to build resindvd.
    * ext/
    * ext/resindvd/
    * ext/resindvd/gstmpegdefs.h:
    * ext/resindvd/gstmpegdemux.c:
    * ext/resindvd/gstmpegdemux.h:
    * ext/resindvd/gstmpegdesc.c:
    * ext/resindvd/gstmpegdesc.h:
    * ext/resindvd/gstpesfilter.c:
    * ext/resindvd/gstpesfilter.h:
    * ext/resindvd/plugin.c:
    * ext/resindvd/resin-play:
    * ext/resindvd/resindvdbin.c:
    * ext/resindvd/resindvdbin.h:
    * ext/resindvd/resindvdsrc.c:
    * ext/resindvd/resindvdsrc.h:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnaudiomunge.c:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnaudiomunge.h:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnbasesrc.c:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnbasesrc.h:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnpushsrc.c:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnpushsrc.h:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnstreamselector.c:
    * ext/resindvd/rsnstreamselector.h:
    First commit of DVD-Video playback component 'rsndvdbin'
    and helper elements.
    Use --enable-experimental for now, but feel free to give it a
    try using the resin-play script.
    * gst/dvdspu/gstdvdspu.c:
    Add some extra guards for malformed events.