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Openjpeg: multithreaded encoder based on subframes

gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! openjpegenc num-stripes=2 num-threads=2 ! jpeg2000parse ! openjpegdec ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=false

commit 30e4c5a4 (HEAD -> dab_subframe_openjpeg_encoder, dabrain34-gitlab/dab_subframe_openjpeg_encoder) Author: Stéphane Cerveau Date: Tue Apr 21 20:56:03 2020 +0200

openjpegenc: support for a multithreaded encoding.

This commit introduces a multithreaded encoder allowing
to encode mulitple stripes or subframes in separated threads.
This feature aims to enhance the overall latency of a codec
Edited by Stéphane Cerveau

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