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Backport of "dtlsconnection: Avoid segmentation fault when no srtp capabilities are negotiated" into 1.16

Backport of !1156 (merged) "dtlsconnection: Avoid segmentation fault when no srtp capabilities are negotiated".


  • Needs manual intervention, cherry-picking failed!
  • check if 7fcfb6c6 is suitable for backporting (can #if 0 out the new property)


  • 3dd2bbf2 dtlsconnection: do not set keys_exported flag if actually not exported
  • 7fcfb6c6 dtls: Keep track of the connection state and signal it through all the layers(bonus commit from a different MR)
  • 3864c9f9 gstdtlsconnection: Propagate errors from key export to the caller
Edited by Tim-Philipp Müller

Merge request reports