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  • Benjamin Otte's avatar
    Added initial version of audioconvert, a generic converter of integer audio/raw formats. · d39ef5da
    Benjamin Otte authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    Added initial version of audioconvert, a generic converter of integer audio/raw formats.
    It currently supports conversion of
    - channels (mono/stereo only, until someone tells me how to mix other channels)
    - endianness (little/bi endian)
    - signedness
    - width (8, 1, 24 and 32 bits)
    - depth (1 - width bits)
    - enough testing (I intend to write a testsuite for this, but that's pending)
    - samplerate conversion
    - other goodies like format conversion etc
    Expect bugs when using it.
    problems this should solve:
    - encoding wav files on big endian machines
    - goom working with mono audio files in gst-player
    - Iain's soundcard (that one is a problem in itself)
    - complaints about missing conversion
    - too many age old, nearly unmaintained plugins (stereo2mono etc.)
    Have fun.