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validate: Introduce the concept of "Test files"

This way we can have a single file that wraps scenarios, gst-validate-1.0 arguments, as well as a configuration.

It changes the name of description of scenarios to use meta The goal is to replace tests describes in python with dictionary to fully self contained .validatetest files which look like:

    gst-validate-args = {
            "videotestsrc pattern=blue ! video/x-raw,format=I420,framerate=1/1 ! timeoverlay ! $(videosink) name=videosink allocation-meta-flags=0",
    configs = {
            "$(validateflow), pad=videosink:sink, buffers-checksum=true, ignored-fields={\"buffers=meta\", }",

seek, start=0.0, stop=5.0, flags=accurate+flush, rate=1.0
crank-clock, expected-elapsed-time=0.0
crank-clock, repeat=4, expected-elapsed-time=1.0
crank-clock, expected-elapsed-time=1.0
stop, on-message=eos
Edited by Thibault Saunier

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